Why wait to look after your health?
Don’t wait for there to be a problem for you to pay attention to your health.I’ll be surprised, if like me, you don’t know of at least one person going through cancer treatment at the moment.It’s a fact of life that some people will be diagnosed with cancer however I believe we should all be thinking about preventing it, along with other diseases as much as we can.Crime of the century - did you know that currently in the USA 1 in 5 people smoke, a dramatic drop from 50% in 1964 however tobacco still kills more people than HIV, alcohol, illegal drugs, suicide and murder combined!I don’t particularly want to live until I’m 100, but I do want to prevent as many diseases as possible so it goes without saying that I don’t smoke, and actually never have When I met up with my husband I was glad he was an ex smoker. Sadly he did restart at a time of extreme stress but he is now a total non-smoker as is my mum who gave up in her 60’s, a bit later than she should as it had already done damage so she now has to take daily medication before every meal for periphery artery disease.So all I'd like to share here is that if you or someone you care for is still smoking there is so much help out there to stop smoking such as patches etc but how about hypnotherapy which I know really works for a lot of people.Why wait - you health is precious.As well as cutting out the bad habits which also include alcohol, stress and negativity, lack of sleep and rest, sugar, lack of exercise and movement etc we also need to nourish our body with as many nutrients as we can.That’s why you may know I am a fan of #eatmoreveg. A colourful plate of vegetable should be a must for at least one meal a day, every day, every week, every month, every year.You are what you eat so why not fill your body with all the vitamins and minerals that nature has given us and fight disease from inside.VEGETABLES ROCK :)Here is one of my favourite vegetables that I always order an extra bag of in my Riverford vegetable box each week - courgettes, and they are in season now in the UK.I’m sure many of you will have discovered spiralizing courgettes is a healthy way to reduce your starch intake and use in place of noodles and pasta.They are also great griddled. Peel or slice hearty strips and cook for a few minutes on a griddle or in the oven. Serve as a side dressed with feta, chilli and parsley or just add into a salad for an extra boost.Grated raw courgette is also prefect to throw into an omelette or into some pastryless mini quiches with some turkey or bacon.Why not try them baked in a cake as an alternative or addition to a carrot cake or even as a way to add some moisture and bonus nutrients to a chocolate cake.Did you know I have a 90 recipe cookbook full of gluten free breakfasts, lunches and dinners- you can find out more here