My before and after photos
Enough was enoughIt was the final straw - I had to do something....Everyone kept telling me I had to sort it out and I kept saying yes, I will soon - blah blah blah.Then I realised I had to stop procrastinating and actually do it......What was it?Sorting out my office!!!I’m a bit of a hoarder, ok a BIG bit, and like to be prepared (just in case)... Well I was a girl guide and “be prepared” was the motto. ....I’d love to share a photo but I'm too embarrased of what a state I’d let it get into:(But having collected almost 15 years of paperwork - yes that’s when I changed careers from super stressed out office executive to become a personal trainer - it was all getting a bit too muchI decided to block out some time in my diary and JUST DO IT!Easy - no it wasn’t but I kept thinking of how good I’d feel after I finished.On the plus side I found loads of long lost things including a double page spread I had in Health & Fitness Magazine 10 years ago - times flies!So if like me you keep procrastinating about doing something whatever it is - try and take the first step. For me I blocked out a day in my diary.If you want to improve your energy levels, fitness, drop some pounds so your jeans feel better but keep putting it off then make a decision to just do something towards starting.For those of you in Bath we are making it even easier for you by running a trial week at bootcamp so you don’t have to commit to the whole month. This way you can try out 3 sessions which will include bodyweight exercises and some fitness boxing and see if you like the group and want to stay for the remaining 3 weeks of the month’s bootcamp.You can find out more by emailing me with “ TRIAL WEEK” in the subject header and I’ll send you more info.Maybe you feel too embarrased to exercise in public? A bit like me too embarrassed to show pictures of my office for fear of judgement.I have some news, you’ve got to get over it. Human beings ALL fear being judged, strange really, bet lions and tigers don’t give a damn what a Zebra thinks of them!Many of our bootcampers were apprehensive about joining up for fear of not being fit enough, making a fool of themselves or just being out in public doing something unfamiliar. That’s one reason we have the testimonials on the website to help allay some of your apprehensions - see what Zest bootcampers say here For any of you further afield who want to stop making excuses the 21 day shape up plan is coming back so watch this space.So instead of trying to work in a messy office where I couldn’t find anything and just felt frustrated every time I walked in I decided to MAKE A CHANGE and now I LOVE being in there!Same opportunity exists for you to make a date in your diary to start a healthier lifestyle - email me with the words "TRIAL WEEK" in the subject header to and I'll be in touch.Have a great weekendZita xps I just remembered it’s national Curry week so best reason I know to check out my new “clean and lean “ curry cookbook (especially in this colder weather if you want to hot things up!) Packed full of tasty meals and snacks that are all “fat loss friendly” - Order your copy here Remember too we have our “Saturday Supercamp” class which involves boxing and equipment and is available as a drop in class for anyone not able to do the weekday classes. 9-10am in AlexandraPark for just £7