Small Business Saturday
Did you know today is Small Business Saturday - to inspire, support and promote small businesses in UK on 6th December.It reminded me that looking after your health and fitness is a bit like running a small business.{ This was an article in Bath Chronicle Weekend Magazine a few months ago.}IMAGINE if when we started Zest Bootcamp almost 6 years ago, we just did an initial advert and then no promotion at all in the time after that - not sure many people would know about us.Same as if you did a month of exercise and healthy eating, got great results and then didn't carry on those habits - you wouldn't still have the results you achieved at the start.IMAGINE if we did exactly the same workouts every month for 6 years at bootcamp - people would get bored.Same as if you do the same workout every time you go into the gym, or you just go running on the same route every week for same length of time - your body gets bored. You have to challenge your body and mix it up to get results as well as avoid overuse injuries.IMAGINE if I never did anymore courses, study or self development in the time since starting Zest Bootcamp - I would become stale. In this time I have worked with several coaches on my technical knowledge and skills as well as learning about relevant business aspects to constantly grow and evolve.Same as if you just rely on what you read in magazines and on TV to get a better body - you may be wasting your time. By hiring a professional to work with you, it's likely you will not only achieve better results but you will probably get there quicker.**** You wouldn't try and fix your car engine if it broke down so why should you expect to know how to fix your body.*****Having worked crazy hours, under immense pressure for someone else before I changed careers and not looking after my body therefore being overweight, bloated, lethargic and unhealthy, I am super passionate about helping more people run their own "body" businesses better.So if next year you don't want to try and run "your own business" alone join us at Zest Bootcamp for a trial week or even our online programme for women called Healthy Mammas.Running your own business is hard but it does bring benefits. EXACTLY like looking after your own body