Follow the rainbow
Happy New Yeer - better late than never!I decided not to talk about New Year resolutions as for many people it's all about taking things out of their lives, such as smoking, sweets, chocolate etc.Why not think about what we can ADD into our lives in 2014 - (more patience and kindness wouldn't go amiss from what I see on the streets and roads most days)Try increasing the amount of:1. Sleep2. Water3. Raw fruits and vegetables4. Fresh air5. MovementAdd a little of these everyday and see how much better you feel, maybe on week 1 you focus on getting to bed earlier, once you've nailed that add in the water etc. The key is to stick to it for the whole 3-4 weeks for it to become a healthy habit - don't dip in and out otherwise it won't be as effective long term.Nature is pretty clever, crazy how we ignore it and end up eating packaged "dead" , beige food most of the time!Yesterday I shared this quote on Facebook which seemed to baffle a few people:"mosquitoes seek the stagnant water, but do not cause the pool to become stagnant" eat properly, hydrate, move, sleep, go outdoors, relaxWhat is means is that we need to to care of the "pool" our bodies and then the "mosquitos" the bugs, viruses etc will not take hold as we will not be an attractive "host", instead our immunity will be strong and the invaders will not be able to take hold.Eating the colourful foods above is a great start.This week I've had some great feedback from women I've met which I wanted to share with you.One busy working mum of 2 was moving house before Christmas (can you imagine the stress of that!) and she started taking Lean Greens to keep up her energy and immunity and it worked much more than she expected. TThe other lady did my 7 day detox after the New year, lost 8lbs and said she found it easy.Both of these show how important it is to put the right fuel into our engines, just like our beloved cars.So if you feel like you need a focus to get back on track with the healthy eating and exercise but don't know where to start then the online 21 day shape up plan would be perfect for you. In the past people have lost significant amount of weight, inches and felt amazing after doing the programme that you can do anywhere in the world as you don't need to come to our classes. All the workouts, nutrition, mindset information is laid out plus you get a support group that are going through the programme together. We start on Jan 20th so check out this page to find out more -Click hereHave a great weekendZitaps If not today, when? >>>21 day shape up please<<<