5 ways to boost your energy
So last week I was invited to talk at a local business hub to a group of business men and women so I chose the subject above as most people I see really need to improve their energy levels - standing at Starbucks or Costa every day waiting for your shot of caffeine is not a long term solution (much as I love coffee too).The talk must have gone well because they have invited me back despite me pointing at the complimentary pastries and saying "don't eat these"!Here are my top 5 simple recommendations to help boost your energy and to make you feel alive!1. Drink the right amount of water - 0.039ml per kg body weight eg 10 stone = 140 pounds. Divide by 2.2 to get kg = 2.43 litres a day. Also herb & fruit teas can count towards this total. Start the day with warm water & fresh lemon juice to kickstart liver and alkalise the body. Take bottles of water with you so there is no excuse not to have a drink. Every time you drink a coffee have some water, the same with alcohol.2. Eat your greens - raw, colourful fruits & vegetables. Limit “beige, dead food” eg pastries, pasta, biscuits, chips etc. Eliminate sugary cereal for breakfast instead have homemade smoothies, eggs, fish and more lunch style breakfasts that will fill you up for longer and avoid blood sugar crashes.3. Move your body every day - ideally in the morning, lunchtime walks, use stairs all the time instead of lifts and escalators in hotels, at work, car parks, department stores - you just have to go look for them. , park further away. Can you walk instead of taking the car or maybe cycle? What’s the best exercise? It’s the one you will do more than once that will become a lifelong habit. Find something you enjoy doing - whether it’s Zumba, rock climbing, ballroom dancing, yoga, tennis - anything.4. Get some Fresh air - get outdoors into nature, green of trees and plants is very calming and can help de-stress us. Take time away from electronic devices such as computers etc. Breathe deeply - it is one of the best ways to alkalise and calm the body and we often neglect it. Breath right down into the bottom of the lungs - let the belly expand. Sit and stand tall (as if you have a helium balloon on the crown of your head lifting you up) Correct posture will allow for better digestion and better breathing.Lack of oxygen can really impede concentration - the brain relies on it.5.Sleep - its not just how much but when you take your sleep, ideally somewhere between 10.30 - 6am in a cool, totally dark room (like a cave), with an open window and no electronic devices (use a real alarm clock not your phone). Set up a regular wind down routine, no screens eg ipad, laptop minimum 30 mins before bed as that will stimulate the brain and make it harder to get straight into restful sleep.So although you probably know most of these already, it’s always good to be reminded and focus on them more if you are not feeling as great as you would like. The great news is that most of these are free to do so no excuse not to is there?Getting fresh air and getting your body moving is one of the things that website Adventurely is passionate about. For any of you needing some ideas of exercises you can do outdoors (or even at home) check out these 5 great exercises we filmed a few weeks ago.So now you know how to boost your energy what are you going to do with it all?If you want to exercise with a group of like minded people and you live in Bath then come to Bath Bootcamp but if you are further afield and would like to try some fitness equipment that you can use at home or anywhere you like then check out the Ztrainer and Zbands which we use at bootcamp and I also use with my personal training clients for strength training and more.