Chocolate and Lent
After most people have eaten too many pancakes, they are giving up chocolate for Lent - me… no way!I love a couple of squares of 70- 85% cocoa dark chocolate or better still some raw chocolate - Loaded with antioxidants and magnesium a small amount actually does us good :)Infact, I used to make my own raw chocolate a while back but it's a bit messy and pretty time consuming so prefer to buy it from the health food shop now.As I'm not sure giving up high quality, dark or raw chocolate for Lent is necessary, although giving up the "sugar" that a lot of chocolate is disguised as maybe a good idea though :)How about giving up some of the following instead over the next 40 days:- Toxic thoughts- Envy- Criticism- Comparing yourself to others- Gossip- Self sabotageand anything negative that serves no benefit.***** "Do something today that your future self will be grateful for" ******Anyway, the sun is shining, the spring flowers are out and with Easter on the way in the UK we might be considering getting our bodies out of hibernation soon!The forecast is looking lovely so get outdoors and move your body.If you are near Bath don't forget our 1 hour Saturday class is open to everyone - 9-10am in Alexandra Park with Sarah, £7 on arrival - perfect way to kickstart a healthy weekend.Have a great weekend, enjoy the sunshine and spring flowersZita "raw chocolate rocks" Alvesps I was in the Bath Chronicle this week but didn't even know until a friend told me!